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Tiger Woods is an American professional golfer. Tiger Woods isn’t his birth name. He was born Eldrick Tont Woods in 1975, however changed his name. The golfing superstar is recognised as one of the finest golfers of all time. Woods holds record after record. He has won the most PGA Tour wins (82) and ranks 2nd in the world in Men’s Major Championships. He has been rated the number one golf player in the world for the most consecutive weeks. He has also held World number one for the highest number of weeks compared to any other golfer.

Wood’s playing style was originally built around his long drives. They took the golfing world by storm. He didn’t upgrade his golfing gear for a number of years which did allow some of his opponents to catch up. In 2004, Woods finally upgraded his equipment and drive technology. This helped him once again to have one of the longest drives on the Tour.

Tiger Woods has won a total of 18 World Golf Championships and was part of the 1999 winning Ryder Cup team. Woods has won 15 professional Majors, second only to Jack Nicklaus who has won 18. He has been given the PGA Player of the Year on 11 occasions, which is a record. His later career was blighted by personal issues which affected his performance. He did however make a huge comeback, winning the 2019 Masters Tournament.