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    Stefan Edberg is a retired Swedish professional tennis player. He had a hugely successful junior career, winning all 4 Gran Slam junior competitions in 1983. He remains the only player to achieve the Junior Grand Slam. Edberg was a big advocate of the serve and volley style of game. His server was accurate, although he didn’t possess a strong serve. Edberg would often choose to hit a slower serve, allowing him the time to get to the net to re-enforce his strength of volley. His one-handed backhand was one of Edberg’s trademark shots.

    He was victorious in six Grand slam single tournaments and three Grand slam doubles tournaments. Such was adaptability between both games, he was ranked World number one in both the singles and doubles games. He remains one of only two people to achieve this feat. Edberg has won all of the major single tournaments. He has won all of the majors twice, with the exception of the French Open where he has only won it once.